Monday, June 23, 2008

Booty Time!

Haha! Made ya look! Well, as big enough of a dork I am, it is actually booty time over here. Booty shorts, that is!

Friday I decided I needed to make some booty shorts. I started with some patchwork ones, then went on to using some Hemp jersey.

Here's a sneak peek of some of them. The very first (and my favorite!) pair:

And a set:

An even shorter pair, made of ~stretch~ hemp jersey has also been made. I wanted the buttcheeks to hang out of that pair, because, really, the pairs above are NOT that short. Hopefully I'll get a pic of someone in those shorts.

Here's a couple of my favorite batik pieces so far:

There is SO MUCH MORE! But I gotta keep some of it a surprise, don't I?

Camping map has yet to be released, although the general map has been posted.

Today we are getting a hitch installed on the Jeep, then going to pick up a trailor for the official Potomac River Goods mode of transportation to festivals and events. Oh yeah baby. It's official. A magnet is coming later this week, too. . .

Later this afternoon I will get into ladies and adult batik t-shirts. Haven't even started sketching those--just have some ideas brewing in my head and on paper. Oh, and I picked up MORe baby stuff to batik, and still want to get more. It's batik world over here, ya'll, and I'm not stoppin yet!

Bring on the menstruation!

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